Arts and Crafts - Mardi Gras Umbrellas Decorating

Mardi Gras Umbrellas Decorating


Mardi Gras is one of the most exciting events of the year, and, as such, you can participate in a variety of activities to commemorate the occasion. This event is associated with parades, parties, beads, masks, and even glamorous umbrellas. 

There are also three colors associated with Mardi Gras: purple (symbolizes justice), green (symbolizes faith), and gold (symbolizes power). 
Using this color theme, you can make your own beads, masks, and umbrellas, rather than relying on store-bought merchandise.

If you're hosting a Mardi Gras themed party, consider including your guests in arts and crafts of making beads, umbrellas and masks decorations and party favors for the event. Even if you're not having a Mardi Gras Party, we can provide everything needed to make these crafts with at a venue of your choice.  If you prefer, we can arrange for easy crafts that children can do just for the fun of it!  You decide the level of difficulty depending on your guests level of craftiness.